Micro-Hardness Testing equipment


Model: FALCON 500

Production year: 2015


Intelligent system for load application with force cell in a closed loop.

Load limits: min. 1g … 31,25kgf

Direct measurements in different scales: Micro-Vickers, Macro-Vickers, Knoop and Brinell

Measurement resolution min. 0,1 HV, 0,1 HK, 0,5 HB

Fully automatic, automatic and manual test cycles

Automatic optical system with CCD camera 1/2”, resolution HD 5MP and advanced illumination module with TTL LEDs.

Motorized turret with minimum 6 positions – 4 for lenses and 2 for penetrators – with automatic selection

CNC testing table with motorized movement on X-Y axes and intelligent control, dimensions 250×205 mm, and X-Y movement of min 120×100 mm, min. cap. of 400kg

Automated software measurement, evaluation and image processing and special functions
