

Operational Program for Competitiveness
Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RDI) to support economic competitiveness and business development

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Eco-Nano-Tehnologii pentru dezvoltarea unui modul cu dublă funcționalitate pe bază de nanofire – EcoNanoWires – Nr. contract de finanțare: 49/05.09.2016;  ID: P_37_649;  MySMIS: 104141

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund

“For detailed information about the other operational programs co-funded by the European Union, we invite you to visit www.fonduri-ue.ro

Project Objectives

The project is being carried out in Romania and has as main objective the creation of a core of competence within the Center for Eco-Metallurgical Research and Expertise of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest (UPB-CCEEM) for the development of nanostructured materials with 3D architecture and their integration into functional platforms with applicability in the field of environmental protection and energy. The present proposal is in line with the requirements of Section E: “Attracting staff with advanced foreign skills”. The themes fall within the field of intelligent specialization “Eco-nano-technologies and advanced materials” in the subdomains: 4.3.1. Technologies for waste polluting and recovery and 4.4.2. Polymeric materials, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies are in line with the objectives of the competition. The research areas are areas of national and international interest that will contribute to increasing the Romanian participation in the research at the level of the European Union. The transfer of competences will be carried out by the foreign specialist to the research team of UPB-CCEEM and will consist of:
• fundamental and applicative research in nanofire controlled synthesis;
• technology transfer for the realization of a dual functionality pilot module: nanowire sensor and / or filter for metal ion retention;
• the experimental demonstration of the dual functionality on the performance of the pilot module.
Within the project there will be research on obtaining, characterizing and testing of advanced nanowire materials with applications in energy and environment. The proposed project brings a concrete solution to increase the efficiency of removal of heavy metals in water by using advanced materials that integrate unique nanostructures – EcoNanoWires. The design, development, design, characterization, testing and use of nanostructured materials for the removal / detection of pollutants in water will, in the first stage, involve obtaining and characterizing nanostructured electrodes for removal of heavy metals from industrial waters. Nanostructured products will be developed by the methods: matrix / membrane synthesis, chemical synthesis, and electrospinning. The specialist from abroad will transfer and implement nanowire technology using the electrochemical deposition method, which was originally developed by the third-generation solar cell specialist. The proposed nanotechnologies, a pioneer event in water purification technologies, will be the basis for developing a technology to obtain nanostructured electrodes with dual functionality:
• Research on controlled growth of metal nanowires and characterization of the compositional and morphological structure of the nanostructured electrode using nanotechnology-specific investigation techniques: XRD and SEM / TEM;
• Detailed analysis of nanostructured material and its properties, taking into account the complexity of the mechanisms involved at the nano level;
• Research on obtaining nanostructured electrodes with smooth or rough surfaces and the influence of the nanostructure roughness on the filtering properties;
• Research on the determination of the surface reactions of the nanostructured electrode, both in the filtration / deposition and the recovery process of heavy metals;
• Researches on determining sensor characteristics;
• Electrode stability studies.
Fundamental and applied research will lead to the creation of a new class of advanced materials based on nanowires. In particular, obtaining the nanostructured products proposed in this project will ultimately result in the development of a dual functionality device: 1) retention and 2) early and rapid monitoring of heavy metals (sub-ppb level). This objective is initiated to expand and diversify the applicability potential of the nanostructured 3D platform electrode for other environmental applications such as electrochemical sensors. The results obtained from fundamental and applied research will be implemented in the industry by developing a dual-function nanowire module integrated into a water treatment / purification plant.


Project Description

This project will include research on obtaining, characterizing and testing advanced nanowire materials, as well as industrial research and experimental development with applications in energy and the environment. Figure 4.7.1 illustrates the main objectives of the project, whose activities are presented below.

schema principalelor activitati de cercetare

Figure 4.7.1: Graph of the main research and development activities within the project

The total value of the project is 4,667,650 lei, of which the financial assistance non-refundable amount is 4,637,650 lei

The project is being implemented in Bucharest for a period of 48 months. Project start date: 05.09.2016.

Dissemination and Research Outcomes

Patent Applications

  1. Inventors: Predescu, E. Matei, A.M. Predescu, A.C. Berbecaru, R. Vidu, M.G. Sohaciu

Assignees: University Politehnica of Bucharest

Title: “Solenoid Column”.

Pub. App. No. US 29657704 (July 25, 2018)

 2. Inventors:  C. Predescu, R. Vidu, E. Matei, A.M. Predescu, A.C. Berbecaru, M.G. Sohaciu, G.Vlad

Assignees: University Politehnica of Bucharest

TitlePhotocatalysis and Device Implementing Same”. Patent Applic. No. US 38718618 (2020).



1) Premiu International la Congresul European al Materialelor Avansate din Stockholm, Suedia. Lucrarea intitulată “Co-Ni Nanowires Arrays with Tunable Properties Obtained by Template Synthesis”, autori Ruxandra VIDU, Andra PREDESCU, Ecaterina MATEI, Andrei BERBECARU, Cristian PANTILIMON, Claudia DRAGAN, Mirela SOHACIU and Cristian PREDESCU, a fost prezentată ca lucrare invitată în plenul Congresului European al Materialelor Avansate care s-a desfăsurat în Stockholm, Suedia, în perioada 20-23 august 2018. În cadrul ceremoniei de premiere organizată de Asociația Internațională de Materiale Avansate (IAAM), care a avut loc pe data de 21 august, Prof. Ruxandra Vidu a primit prestigioasa medalie IAAM Scientist 2018 pentru cercetări exceptionale în știința și tehnologia materialelor avansate.

International Prize at the European Congress of Advanced Materials in Stockholm, Sweden. The paper entitled “Co-Ni Nanowires Arrays with Tunable Properties Obtained by Template Synthesis”, authors Ruxandra VIDU, Andra PREDESCU, Ecaterina MATEI, Andrei BERBECARU, Cristian PANTILIMON, Claudia DRAGAN, Mirela SOHACIU and Cristian PREDESCU, was presented in plenary at the European Congress of Advanced Materials held in Stockholm, Sweden, from August 20-23, 2018. During the award ceremony organized by the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), which took place on August 21, Prof. Ruxandra Vidu received the prestigious IAAM Scientist 2018 medal for exceptional research in advanced materials science and technology.

2) Premiul Constantin Brancoveanu 2018: Prof. Ruxandra Vidu a primit premiul Constantin Brancoveanu la sectiunea Stiinta, 28 noiembrie 2018, New York.

3) Gold Medal at ”The  4th International Invention Innovation Competition”, iCAN 2019, Toronto, Canada

4) Gold Medal at Expoziția Europeană a Creativității și Inovării EUROINVENT 2019, Iași, România pentru patentul internațional ”Solenoid Column”

5) Gold Medal at Expoziția Europeană a Creativității și Inovării EUROINVENT 2017, Iași, România pentru patentul internațional ”Magnetic nanostructures and device implementing same”

6) Publications that have received awards from UEFISCDI:

Predescu, A.M., Matei, E., Berbecaru, A.C., Pantilimon, C., Drăgan, C., Vidu, R., Predescu, C., Kuncser, V., ”Synthesis and characterization of dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles”, (2018) Royal Society Open Science, 5 (3), art. no. 171525, no. pages 11, WOS:000428874600022,     http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=C4oPdh9ULrWW5tVZcVe&page=1&doc=2Predescu A. M. Vidu, R., Predescu A., Matei E., Pantilimon C., Predescu C., Synthesis and characterization of bimodal structured Cu-Fe3O4 nanocomposites (2019), Powder Technology, vol. 342, pp. 938-953, WOS:000454375100093http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=DaisyOneClickSearch&qid=3&SID=E68yvnqEKk6GqMMOfvv&page=1&doc=1



1) Predescu A. M. Vidu, R., Predescu A., Matei E., Pantilimon C., Predescu C., Synthesis and characterization of bimodal structured Cu-Fe3O4 nanocomposites (2019), Powder Technology, vol. 342, pp. 938-953, WOS:000454375100093,


2) Predescu, A.M., Matei, E., Berbecaru, A.C., Pantilimon, C., Drăgan, C., Vidu, R., Predescu, C., Kuncser, V. ”Synthesis and characterization of dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles”, (2018) Royal Society Open Science, 5 (3), art. no. 171525, no. pages 11, WOS:000428874600022,


3) Vidu R., Predescu A. M., Matei E., Berbecaru A., Pantilimon C., Dragan C., Predescu C., Temple-assisted Co-Ni nanowire arrays, Nanomaterials, vol. 9, Issue 10, article no. 1446, 2019, WOS:000495666800101


4) R. Vidu, AM. Predescu, E. Matei, A. Berbecaru, C. Pantilimon, C. Dragan, M. Sohaciu, C.Predescu, Co-Ni Nanowires Arrays with Tunable Properties Obtained by Template Synthesis,  Advanced Materials Letter, 11, 6, (2020), https://www.vbripress.com/aml/articles/details/1500
available on the web: Mar 14, 2020, published in print: June, 2020
5) R. Vidu, C. Predescu, E. Matei, A.M. Predescu, Nanomateriale pentru epurarea apelor, ISBN 978-606-23-1062-2, Editura PRINTECH (cod CNCSIS 54), 2020

Completion of the Project

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – through the Centre for Research and Eco-Metallurgical Expertise, headquartered in Splaiul Independenței 313, sector 6, București, announces the completion of the project “ECO-NANO-TEHNOLOGII PENTRU DEZVOLTAREA UNUI MODUL CU DUBLĂ FUNCȚIONALITATE PE BAZĂ  DE NANOFIRE (ECONANOWIRES)“, ID P-37-649, cod  SMIS 104141, co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund, based on the financing contract nr. 49/05.09.2016, concluded with the National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation as an Intermediate Body (IB), on behalf of and for the Ministry of European Funds (MFE), as the Managing Authority (MA) for the Competitiveness Operational Program.

The project took place between 05.09.2016 – 04.09.2020. The total value of the project was 4,667,650 lei, of which non-reimbursable financial assistance was 4,637,650 lei.

The general objective of the project was to create a core of competence within the Center for Eco-Metallurgical Research and Expertise of the POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest (UPB-ECOMET) for the development of nanostructured materials with 3D architecture and their integration into functional platforms applicable in the field environmental and energy protection.

The research areas contributed to the increase of the Romanian participation in the research at the level of the European Union, in fields of national and international interest. The transfer of competencies was made from the specialist from abroad to the research team within UPB-CCEEM and led to the following results.:

  • nanowires obtained by controlled synthesis;
  • dual functionality pilot module: nanowire sensor and / or filter for metal ion retention;
  • 4 articles published in internationally listed journals;
  • 2 international patent applications;
  • 3 newly created jobs;
  • 1 project accepted for funding by the Horizon 2020 program.

Project Completion Presentation


Press release 1

Press release 2

Press release 3

Press release 4

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Government of Romania